The location of La Martiniere Girls School is Rawdon Street, Kolkata. The year of establishment of La Martiniere Girls School is 1837. La Martiniere Girls School is a Girls school. The student teacher ratio of La Martiniere Girls School can be approximated to be 1 teacher for every 0 students. It is a Sr. Secondary School (Class 1-12), where lowest class is Nursery and highest class is 12th. You can check other important information regarding the school like La Martiniere Girls School fee, their transport facility and other important information that you need to know regarding La Martiniere Girls School admission. Browse below to read everything you need to know about La Martiniere Girls School. Schools Square provides you with the up to date information of every school across India and world

Additional Details
  • West Bengal
  • Sr. Secondary School (Class 1-12)
  • Girls
Boards Offered
  • ICSE
Is The School Residential
  • No
Medium Of Instruction
  • English
  • Non-AC
Pre Primary Section
  • Yes
Mid Day Meal
  • Not Applicable
Student Faculty Ratio
  • 00:01
Total Faculty
  • N/A
Total Student Enrollments
  • 0+
  • 2 Years 6 Month
Classes Offered
  • Nursery to 12th

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User Reviews

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Rookie 115.3K ratings

Simply The Best

(4/5) By Amit Anand on 1 January, 2020

Very Nice! Most visit once.

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